Ortega R122G 1
Ortega R122G 2
Ortega R122G 3
Ortega R122G 4
Ortega R122G 5
Ortega R122G 6
Ortega R122G 7
Ortega R122G 8
Ortega R122G 9
Preview: Ortega R122G 1
Preview: Ortega R122G 2
Preview: Ortega R122G 3
Preview: Ortega R122G 4
Preview: Ortega R122G 5
Preview: Ortega R122G 6
Preview: Ortega R122G 7
Preview: Ortega R122G 8
Preview: Ortega R122G 9

This product is compatible with (for example):

Hannabach 600 HT 'High Tension'
• Classical guitar string set
• Nylon with silver plated bass strings
• High Tension
• .028-.032-.040-.0305-.036-.045
7,99 EUR
GEWA Fire & Stone Stringwinder
• Makes it easier to string your electric or acoustic guitar
• Available in the colours white, red blue and black
• Suitable for electric and acoustic guitars
• Screwed crank with metal axis
2,50 EUR